Beyond Resolutions To Receiving Christ and His Life:
By now, most of the New Year’s resolutions we’ve made have faded away. Americans spent $60 billion annually on diets and only 5% are able to keep the weight off. Why? Because sincerity can only take us so far.
For all of us who can identify with failing to follow through on our resolutions, we are in good company with Peter, a disciple of Christ. Peter told Christ that he would never deny Him, would fight for Him, go to prison for Him, and even die for Him. Peter was 110% sincere, and so were all of Jesus’ disciples who made the same promise, with the same level of sincerity.
And they were all sincerely wrong. (Matt. 26:35).
Which is why Jesus said that:
- He could do NOTHING by Himself
- Our flesh counts for NOTHING
We can do NOTHING apart from Him.
(John 5:19; 6:63; 15:5
The devil has no problem encouraging us to try harder to do what we are already unable to do. And because he also already knows our best efforts and strongest sincerity will lead us to failure, he is quick and ready to condemn and discourage us when we do fail.
Once we realize that we cannot do anything in our own strength, we can choose to turn to Christ as the source of our strength and victory.
From Resolution To Receiving:
The word “receive” is mentioned in 165 verses in the New Testament’s 26 books. One of my favorite verses is found in Colossians 2:6-7:
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
We are on solid Biblical ground when we emphasize the importance of receiving our strength from Christ instead of trying harder to do what we are already unable to do in our own strength.
We are rooted and grounded in Christ. We are strengthened in our faith and we overflow with thankfulness.
May we commit to the resolution of receiving the life of Christ every day, beginning with this sample prayer that we can rewrite in our own words:
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank You for choosing to fulfill prophecy to identify with all of my struggles, taking to death on the cross all the ways I try to gain victory in my own strength and trusting in my own sincerity. Thank You for rising from the grave so I can receive Your faith, Your victory, Your forgiveness, Your peace, Your strength, and Your purity.
In Your name Jesus, Amen.
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* Those who sign up for our blog will receive a 20% discount on my book being published in the spring of 2014:
The Hidden Half of the Gospel: How His Suffering Can Heal Yours